Renewable energy + ecological utopia = Ecopia Energy

We have decided to wind up PDT Renewable Energy‎ and restructure the business under the new company name Ecopia Energy. We welcome old and new customers in making green business in Thailand together with us at Ecopia Energy!

The new business will still focus on renewable energy, but we will expand our horizon with even greater focus on ecological practices and sustainable development. To intertwine our name with even more green business and new markets, we have decided to re-launch under the new business name.

The coming months there will be some changes, but they will be gradual, and you will still recognise us and our previous projects that are still ongoing. The first changes apart from the company name change will be our new website domain and new LinkedIn and Facebook pages.

Stayed tuned for more news from us during the 2024!

For more information, please contact Pairin Åhs at email:  or mobile: +46 (0)70 491 33 81

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