Renewable energy towards net-zero

What we do

Solar energy, wind power and battery storage

Ecopia Energy provides solutions and develops solar energy, battery storage and wind power projects in Thailand. Do you want to develop renewable energy under the Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) Scheme or develop off-grid solutions? Combine agriculture with energy production or produce solar energy on your roof? Switch to renewable energy in your production to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect yourself from power shortage during blackouts, or make your community sustainable and self-sufficient? Then we can support you all the way from business development, to planning, construction and the operation of your renewable energy facility.

We focus on one of the world’s fastest growing markets for renewable energy, where we can develop your project or by offering attractive cooperation and investment opportunities.

01 Business development
02 Project development
03 Operations, Production & Maintenance
04 PPA & Financing
05 Certified emission reduction
06 Solutions and Products

Latest project

Our project portfolio

Why we do it

The Future is Renewable

The future for renewable energy in Thailand is bright with ambitious targets for renewables and carbon dioxide reductions. Thailand has committed to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2065, and to increase the National Determination Contribution roadmap target by approximately 10 % GHG emissions reduction. To achieve the goals, regional, and international collaboration and partnerships have been identified as crucial. We are backing up the goals for a sustainable development in Thailand, by being a dedicated and reliable renewable energy developer.

Who we are

Your guide to Thailand's market

In the company, we have gathered many years of knowledge and experience from development and permitting of renewable energy projects. European technical know-how and qualitative project management are intertwined with a deep understanding of the renewable energy market in Thailand. Our local network and knowledge of the Thai energy market form the basis of our service, which secures efficient and reliant development of our projects.

Let us change Thailand’s energy sector together